Salonnières from Löbichau between Metternich and Talleyrand
In a time where woman needed a legal guardian to undertake an act of legal significance, Anna Dorothea of Courland found a way to emphasize her own position. In 1795 she bought the manor Löbichau with the help of her brother to have her own residence and to invite guests, who filled her life with literature, music and theatre. In the following years Löbichau – only 2 kilometres away from Posterstein – and castle Tannenfeld, built in 1800, became a centre of the cultural life in Germany.

Travelling between Paris, Wien, Petersburg and Löbichau
Anna Dorothea of Courlands numerous journeys to Paris, Petersburg or Wien always led her back to the small village Löbichau. Here she met with Goethe and tsar Alexander of Russia.
The museum Burg Posterstein wants to preserve this tradition of the so-called “Musenhof” (“muses’ court”) of Löbichau. The museum is doing research and publishing on the subject, and shows the most comprehensive exhibition on this part of the European salon history among German museums.
Further reading:
Löbichau salon – A key aspect of research and exhibition in the museum Posterstein castle